7 inventions that changed the face of life on Earth.. Know the inventors

 Human inventions throughout history have contributed in one way or another to the progress of humanity, saving people a lot of effort, time and money, and making life more flexible, faster and simpler. During the last centuries, many figures have emerged who were able to change the face of the world through contributions and discoveries, and in the following lines we will monitor Some of these inventions that changed the face of the world.

7 inventions that changed the face of life on Earth.. Know the inventors
7 inventions that changed the face of life on Earth.. Know the inventors

the phone

Human inventions throughout history have contributed in one way or another to the progress of humanity, saving people a lot of effort, time and money, and making life more flexible, faster and simpler. During the last centuries, many figures have emerged who were able to change the face of the world through contributions and discoveries, and in the following lines we will monitor Some of these inventions that changed the face of the world.

Printing press

German inventor Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press sometime between 1440 and 1450, which caused a major revolution in world knowledge that affected the development of human civilization, and led to the rapid and widespread dissemination of knowledge for the first time in history.

the Flashlight

The invention of the light bulb changed our world by doubling the time periods for production day and night after relying only on natural light. Many inventors played an active role in developing this revolutionary technology throughout the nineteenth century. The innovation is attributed to Thomas Edison as the primary inventor because he created a system Fully functional lighting, including generator and wiring as well as a 1879 carbon filament bulb.


The Internet is considered the most important modern invention, as it enables us to learn about other inventions, explore new things, communicate with others, and many other services. In 1960, a team of scientists led by scientist Lawrence Robert invented the Internet.


Perhaps all means of transportation are one of the greatest inventions in history, but the invention of airplanes was different, as some consider them the greatest means of transportation ever, and one of the most important inventions of humanity, because it is certainly the fastest means of transportation, which changed the form of travel and life after it. Traveling sometimes requires long months. Now, in a few hours, you can move between several countries. The credit for this great invention goes to the Wright Brothers, who said in the year that man would not fly for 50 years. Only two years later, they were able to succeed in launching... The first plane in North Carolina and they made history

Digital camera 

In 1975, one of Kodak's engineers presented the idea of inventing a digital camera that works without film, but the company's management ridiculed him greatly and did not listen to him or even allow him to work on his idea. Many years later, this type of camera actually appeared and dominated the markets. The era of the film camera ended, which resulted in Kodak declaring bankruptcy in 2012. Some analysts at that time pointed out that if the company had benefited from the invention of the digital camera when it was presented to it for the first time, the situation would have changed, according to the Tech website. Tammy's American.
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